My last blog post was about the amazing local artist, Zoe Nutt. Today I have another great local group from Knoxville, Smokin’ Dave and The Premo Dopes! They were formed in 1982 and have been one of Knoxville’s own ever since. Their songs can be heard on WUTK 90.3 The Rock if you don’t have access to Apple Music or Spotify!
David “Dave” Nichols is the bassist and on vocals, Todd Steed is the guitarist and on vocals, and Doug Meech is the amazing drummer.

Starting out it was just Todd Sneed and a guy named R.B. Morris and they had no idea what their musical chemistry would lead to. They were just some dudes trying to get by on the “Strip” right here next to the UT campus. Morris was someone who encouraged Sneed to keep playing and writing like he was because he was a good musician and Sneed took that advice and ran with it.
When Sneed came up with the idea of making an entire record about Knoxville, his friends and family said, “Really, a whole album? Not just a couple songs?”, but when he told Morris his idea, Morris was over the moon excited about it, and even wanted to be a voice on the record since his Hometown meant so much to him as well as Sneed.
Smokin’ Daves and The Premo Dopes is now one of Knoxville’s biggest alternative bands. How cool is that?
Are you going to listen to their new album that is being released on April 1, 2021?

Smokin' Dave and the Premo Dopes "Dear Headlines" #1 on WUTK The Rock!!!